The Yard 5 - Hitting Drills

Pause Drill


  • Players will start in their stance, from their stance they will stride and stop.

  • The main focus is making sure they understand what the power position is!


  • From the power position the goal is for the athlete to be ready to fire with no added movement and to turn behind the ball

  • Their objective should be to hit consistent line drives off the back net with backspin. Have the athlete hold their finish to make sure they are balanced.

Leg kick and hold

Set up

  • Players will start in their stance, from their stance you want the athlete to load and hold that position


  • From the position they are holding you want the athlete to control their forward move and not fall out of their backside.

  • The objective should be to control their tempo on their forward move and to drive the ball in the air to stay behind their front leg.


Set up

  • Players will start further away from the plate compared to what they are used to.

  • Have the athlete step in under control, and get to a good power position and drive through the ball


  • Players should build up the intent with this drill

  • The objective of this should be to drive the ball through the middle with good swing direction

open 45 / short bat

Set up

  • Players with start in an open stance with their chest facing the pitcher


  • Their objective is to use their hips to load and to stay inside the ball and drive the ball middle/ away and to maintain posture over the plate

  • Short bat is a good alternative for younger players or anyone would is struggling with understanding this drill

Walk Throughs

Set up

  • Players will start behind the matt and cross over to get to a power position

  • The player should be under control doing this


  • The goal is to keep the barrel above your hands and to drive the ball low and away oppo

  • Make sure their chest is staying towards the middle and not pulling out.

The Yard 5 - Defense Drills

Ozzie Drills


  • Middle/Forehand/Backhand on knees

  • Middle/Forehand/Backhand standing

  • You can roll balls or use a fungo

Coaching Points:

  • Fingers down. Glove doesn’t make a ramp

  • Reach and pick through the ball

  • Transfer ball to center of body

  • Glove out front

rocker step


  • Players will be in fielding position, glove out in front, left heal in the ground, toes in the air. Players will roll their toes down to the ground when the ball contacts the glove between their index and middle finger.

Coaching Points:

  • Being on time with landing. Creating rhythm through the ball

  • Distance and direction as player are working through the ball

  • Glove presentation and transfer



  • Players raise their left foot off the ground and place foot down at impact of ball hitting glove. Helps players learn to move through the ball into the direction of throw.

Coaching Points:

  • Balance (glove out, chest over knee, body posture)

  • Proper hinge and body position when fielding

  • Timing and rhythm as player moves through fielding the baseball

Around the Cone


  • Place 1 Cone on the ground. Player starts at the top of the cone. Players work counterclockwise (if right handed, lefty works clockwise around cone) around the cones, shuffling their feet. Coach rolls a ball once the player is on the side of the cone to field the ball at the top of the cone.

Coaching Points:

  • Player stays in control working around the cone (short choppy


  • Glove presentation as player moves around the cone

  • Player is maintaining rhythm as they field and work through the


Triangle Drill


  • 3 Cones in a triangle.  Players work around the cones to get “off the ball.” Players are working on their “Jab” step to get off the baseball to read the hops.

Coaching Points:

  • Right Foot “Jab Step” maintains good body balance

  • Glove presentation as player approaches ball

  • Balance and rhythm as player move through fielding the ball



  • Have 4 cones in a square shape. Place the ball in the middle of the cones. Players work on replacing their feet as they jump and turn along the cones, moving left. Players will replace feet “Right Toe to Left Heel”.

Coaching Points:

  • Replacing feet correctly “Right Toe to Left Heal”. Right foot should land before the left creating rhythm

  • Make sure is not “hoping” around the cones

  • Player should land in a good balance position. Weight evenly distributed with good fielding posture